JAKARTA - The police revealed the reasons for some of the masses who were willing to come to Jakarta to object to the Job Creation Law and it ended in chaos. Based on the results of the investigation, they admitted that they were promised facilities up to pocket money.

"What he (the rioters) knew was that there were invitations to come, prepare train tickets, prepare trucks, prepare buses. Then later there will be food allowances for all of them," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters, Friday, 9. October.

Even though they do not understand at all regarding the Job Creation Law. They just fall for the things that are promised.

The police will also trace the promising parties or intellectual actors from the rioting. The search will begin with the information from the rioters and a search from the IT team.

"Which party facilitates us to study it later. We are still studying it. We will take information from them, all of this could help us investigators," he said.

Previously it was reported that 1,192 rioters who were suspected of being members of the anarcho group had been arrested. The majority of them are students of the Mechanical Engineering School (STM).

"Up to this moment, we have secured 1,192 (people). Before the rioting started, we did raids," said Yusri.

Based on data collection, many of them come from outside Jakarta. They deliberately came to the capital to take part in demonstrations and caused chaos.

This is known based on a cellphone examination and information. This is because their cellphones were found inviting them to make trouble at student and labor demonstrations.

"Several groups came from several regions, such as Purwakarta, Karawang, Bogor, Banten. Those who came to Jakarta had the objective to riot," said Yusri.

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