YOGYAKARTA - The Yogyakarta Special Region Police (Polda DIY) have arrested J (21), ANH (21), and MZH (21) as suspects in the student arson case with the article on the report.

"Against the three perpetrators, we suspect multi-layered articles," said Director of the Directorate General of Criminal Investigation at the Yogyakarta Police, Kombes Pol. Ade Ary Syam Indradi, during a press conference at the Yogyakarta Police Headquarters, reported by Antara, Tuesday, April 26.

The suspects, said Ade, were snared under Article 355 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code, namely severe planned persecution with a maximum criminal threat of 12 years in prison, a subsidiary of Article 354 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code concerning unplanned serious abuse with a maximum penalty of 8 years.

"We also charged the suspect with Article 56 because two other suspects are suspected of helping by providing motorized vehicles and one being a motorized vehicle jockey," he said.

In addition, the police also ensnared Article 170 of the Criminal Code regarding collective violence in public.

"No less important is Article 221 of the Criminal Code with a threat of 9 months in prison, which states that whoever hides or helps the perpetrators of a crime escape," said Ade.

Ade explained that the arson case occurred on March 23, 2022, at the residence of the victim with the initials DT, in the Mergangsan area, Yogyakarta City.

After drinking liquor, the three suspects came to the DT room at 21.00 WIB. Those who are college friends chat while smoking.

Not long after, there was a dispute and a fight between suspect J and DT, because it was triggered by a motorcycle exhaust issue.

Suspect J had strangled and hit DT until he finally fell. Seeing a mineral water bottle filled with gasoline, J then took it and threw it on the left side of DT's body.

"There was a gas lighter nearby and it was lit. It didn't reach his clothes, but the victim caught fire," he said.

Seeing DT on fire, the three then fled using ANH's two-wheeled vehicle driven by MZH.

Based on his investigation, Ade found the fact that the exhaust in question did not belong to the victim.

In addition, suspect J is also suspected to be still emotionally carried away by the incident of abuse at another crime scene, namely at house A in the Giwangan area, Yogyakarta City.

Although it is still being developed, Ade suspects that suspect J and suspect MZH, including together with victim DT, were involved in the stabbing case against A.

"Currently, the investigation is still being carried out because the victim (DT) has not been successful in BAP. Only the initial interrogation, the interrogation is light because the victim is still being treated quite intensively at Dr Sardjito Hospital," he said.

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