BIMA - West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Police Mobile Brigade Unit personnel are promoting operations to create conditions amidst the emergence of arrow terror that threatens the community in Bima Regency.

The Commander of Battalion C Pioneer Satbrimob Polda NTB AKBP Zulkarnain explained, creating conditions was carried out by activating patrols at night.

"We focus our activities on gathering places for young people, such as beachside entertainment areas and on the roadside around Sape to Lambu," said Zulkarnain in a written statement received in Mataram, Antara, Tuesday, April 26.

The target of the operation to create conditions which was held in order to maintain security stability ahead of Eid al-Fitr, was focused on the circulation of firecrackers, liquor and also the mastery of sharp weapons, one of which was arrows.

From the activities carried out routinely every night, the Brimob team managed to confiscate evidence that was the target of the operation, such as sharp weapons, bows, and liquor. "We also secured vehicles with racing exhausts," he said.

Some of the confiscated evidence is a follow-up to public information. Therefore, Zulkarnain hopes that the community will continue to support this activity in order to create security conduciveness.

"So let's work together to create security and order, especially from the circulation of liquor and the arrow terror acts which have recently become the trigger for conflict in the community in Bumi Maja Labo Dahu," he said.

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