MEDAN - Together with Kahiyang Ayu, Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution visited the family of the late Retno Suwito, a resident of Medan Labuhan who died as a result of being hacked by a motorcycle gang a few days ago.

The incident that happened to Retno was indeed very tragic. The victim was stabbed to death by a motorcycle gang in front of his wife and children. In fact, his wife and child were also injured as a result of being kicked down from the motorcycle that Retno was driving at that time.

This incident touched the hearts of Bobby Nasution and Kahiyang Ayu. President Jokowi's son-in-law also visited the residence of Retno's family in Sei Mati Village, Medan Labuhan District, Monday, April 25 evening.

Bobby and Kahiyang were greeted by Istikharah, the wife of the deceased and their two children, Kahiyang and Rally. Bobby conveyed his condolences and empathy.

"On behalf of myself and my family, I offer my condolences. I hope that Husnul Khatimah and his good deeds are accepted. And thankfully the perpetrators have been arrested," said Bobby Nasution, quoted from a written statement by Public Relations of the Medan City Government, Tuesday, April 26.

Furthermore, Bobby Nasution and Kahiyang Ayu also gave encouragement, so that the family still looks at a better future. To that end, Bobby also offered some help.

First, Bobby Nasution will guarantee the education costs of the deceased's children. Bobby also helped arrange the family cards and ID cards of the victims' families. The KK will be guaranteed to receive some assistance from the Medan City Government as well as national assistance.

In addition, Bobby Nasution also provided business assistance to his deceased wife, and promised business training and business licenses.

"God willing, the children will continue to go to school, yes, I will help pay for it. I will also give you business capital, right? You will also be trained and given a business permit. Hopefully this assistance will be useful for your mother's family," said Bobby.

Istikharah was moved and expressed her gratitude for the attention of the Mayor of Medan.

"I really appreciate the attention of the father and mother. Thank you also sir for the business capital and educational assistance for my child," said Istikharah, who is familiarly called Tika.

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