SIDOARJO - Juanda International Airport, Surabaya, has increased operational hours when carrying out homecoming and Lebaran return flows so that it can serve prospective passengers who use flight transportation services at the local airport.

General Manager of Juanda Airport Sisyani Jaffar said that his party had carried out a series of preparations for Eid in 2022, one of which was increasing operational hours.

"The airport's operating hours have been adjusted to 05.00 WIB to 22.00 WIB from 05.00 WIB to 20.00 WIB," he said, quoted by Antara, Monday, April 25.

He said the anticipatory step taken was to increase the Notice of Airport Capacity (NAC), namely the airport's ability or capacity to serve flights per hour to 30 aircraft movements per hour from the previous 26 movements per hour.

"In addition, from the security aspect, the airport implements a centralized security check or Centralized Screening Check Point, which aims to optimize security inspection surveillance," he said.

Juanda International Airport in Surabaya also operates the Eid al-Fitr homecoming post in 2022 from April 25 to May 10, 2022 as a place as an information and data center as well as a passenger service area.

The command post functions as an information and data center as well as a passenger service area.

"According to the Instruction of the Director General of Civil Aviation Number 01 of 2022, the Command Post will last for 16 days from April 25 to May 10, 2022," he said.

In general, at the beginning of Ramadan, traffic tends to decrease and is seen starting to increase entering the third week and is likely to continue to grow until the D-Day of the Eid holiday approaches.

"In the first to the second week, the average daily passenger is 21 thousand, in the third week the average is 23 thousand, and now in the fourth week, which has been running for four days, the average daily passenger is 27 thousand," he said.

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