JAKARTA - Member of Commission III of the DPR from the PKS faction, Nasir Djamil, appreciated the steps taken by the Criminal Investigation Police investigators who confiscated a number of assets of suspects in the alleged fraudulent investment fraud case of Indosurya KSP.

According to him, the steps taken by the Police regarding the confiscation of the suspect's assets, which amounted to Rp. 2 trillion, gave hope to the victims that their money would be returned.

"It is appropriate and accelerates the investigation, it certainly gives hope to the victims," Nasir told reporters, Monday, April 25.

Nasir said that Bareskrim's efforts to confiscate these assets were also to prevent suspects from embezzling or transferring assets so that they could not be tracked by law enforcement.

"So it is correct, confiscate it to ensure that there is a systematic mode of crime," he said.

Nasir also gave a thumbs up for Bareskrim who managed to track down the assets of the Indosurya suspects. He hopes that the assets of the suspects related to this case can be uncovered.

"Of course we hope that the perpetrators can lose out so that the assets they get from the community can be returned again," he said.

"At least this confiscation is to answer the complaints of people who were cheated due to fraudulent investments. With this, it is hoped that there will be a bright spot that their money will return," he continued.

In this case of alleged fraud, embezzlement, and money laundering, the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police has named 3 high-ranking officers of the Indosurya Cita KSP as suspects. Namely Director of Operations Suwito Ayub (SA), Chairman Henry Surya (HS), and Director of Finance June Indria (JI).

Of the 3 suspects, the Police have arrested Henry Surya and June Indria. Meanwhile, Suwita Ayub is still at large and his name is on the wanted list (DPO).

This case began with the alleged illegal collection of funds using the Indosurya Inti/Cipta Savings and Loans Cooperative legal entity which was carried out from November 2012 to February 2020.

The suspect, Henry Surya, is suspected of collecting funds in the form of time deposits by paying 8-11 percent interest, the activity is carried out throughout Indonesia without a business license from the OJK. This activity resulted in default.

Henry Surya, who is the chairman of the Indosurya Inti/Cipta Savings and Loans Cooperative, ordered the other suspects, JI and Suwito Ayub, to raise public funds using the legal entity Kospin Indosurya Inti/Cipta.

For these actions, the National Police suspected that Suwito Ayub, Henry Surya, and June Indria were suspected of committing banking crimes and/or criminal acts of embezzlement and/or criminal acts of fraud/fraud and money laundering.

The suspect was charged with Article 46 of Law (UU) Number 10 of 1998 concerning Banking and or Article 372 of the Criminal Code and or Article 378 of the Criminal Code and Article 3 and or Article 4. Then, Article 5 of Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning Prevention and Eradication of the Crime of Laundering Money.

Bareskrim has also conducted a case title in mid-April 2022. In the case title, it is concluded that the investigation process has been carried out according to the procedures and provisions.

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