JAKARTA - The Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) ensures that it continues to update learning applications and sites that can be accessed using study quotas.

"We will continue to update applications and sites that can be accessed using the study quota," said the Acting Head of the Ministry of Education and Culture's Head of Data and Information Technology, Muhammad Hasan Chabibie in a statement in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Thursday, October 8.

Starting September, each PAUD level student gets 20 GB per month with details of 5 GB for general quota and 15 GB study quota.

Elementary and secondary education students get 35 GB per month, with details of 5 GB for general quota and 30 GB learning quota.

Internet quota package assistance for educators at the early childhood education level and primary and secondary education, get 42 GB per month with details of 5 GB general quota and 37 GB study quota.

Internet quota packages for students and lecturers get 50 GB per month with details of 5 GB general quota and 45 GB study quota. The quota assistance is provided until December 2020.

General Quota is the quota that can be used to access all pages and applications. Meanwhile, the learning quota is a quota that can only be used to access learning pages and applications.

Until now, there are 45 sites that can be accessed with study quotas, five teleconferencing applications, and 2,628 campus websites.

"We, together with the directorates and main units, will update applications and sites that can be accessed with a learning quota," he explained.

In addition, learning service providers can also submit formal requests to the Ministry of Education and Culture's Pusdatin so that their services can be accessed with a learning quota.

"For the time being, beneficiaries can use the general quota to access the application or page," he added.

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