JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said he would celebrate Eid Al-Fitr 1443 Hijri in Yogyakarta. Jokowi will not return to his hometown in Solo, Central Java.

"I went to Solo but I didn't go to Solo. So I went to Jogja," Jokowi told reporters after visiting the Formula E circuit in Ancol, North Jakarta, Monday, April 25.

He said he would perform Eid prayers in Yogyakarta. However, Jokowi admitted that he did not know how long he would spend there.

"God willing, yes (Eid al-Fitr prayer in Yogyakarta, ed)," he said.

Jokowi said that he would not carry out halal bihalal during the upcoming Eid al-Fitr. According to him, activities that are considered to cause crowds will not be carried out first.

"No (halal bihalal, ed) as I have said, halal bihalal, especially those involving large crowds, the government invites not (to be carried out, ed)," he said.

"Especially for officials," added Jokowi.

For information, for two years in a row President Jokowi has held Eid prayers at the Bogor Palace, West Java. This was due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which at that time had a high number of cases spreading.

As for this year, the government has allowed anyone to return to their hometown. The reason is that currently the number of cases of the spread of COVID-19 can be suppressed.

However, those who are going home are required to receive two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. Meanwhile, those who have been injected with a booster or a third dose of vaccine no longer need to undergo an antigen-based COVID-19 test or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) when returning home.

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