MAKASSAR - The Makassar City Government, South Sulawesi, has arrested dozens of street children and beggars in a public order operation at a number of crowded points and red lights in the city.

"The screening is at several points, starting at the intersection of five Hasanuddin Airports to fly overs, namely nine street children and three adults," said Makassar City Government Social Service Rehabilitation Head Andi Eldi Indta Malka, after the operation in Makassar, as reported by Antara. , Sunday, April 24.

The operation, which also involves the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP), usually secures street children begging and buskers who act at red lights. They are considered disturbing motorists.

Those caught were then transported by trucks and immediately taken to the social service office to be recorded by officers, regarding their domicile and whether anyone had ordered them to beg and sing on protocol streets.

"Since the beginning of April we have carried out the operation, and until the end of the month. During our survey from 2001 to 2022, 70 percent of them are Makassar City residents, the remaining 30 percent are from outside Makassar," he said. , when entering Ramadan until approaching Eid. Usually after Lebaran the number continues to increase until it is twice the normal day. For this reason, the quick reaction team together with the Satpol PP have continued to carry out policing operations since morning, noon, and night.

"Those who are caught are recorded and trained. If they are caught two or three times, they are kept in the office for three days for coaching. We are also coordinating with one of the institutions, because one of them was caught sucking glue to be rehabilitated," he said.

However, those caught are still being recorded and nurtured and when they are taken, the family must sign a statement so that they do not repeat their actions.

"We will continue to control it until Eid later," he said.

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