PAPUA - The masses who are members of the Alliance of Sorong Law Observers have asked Deputy II of the National Border Management Agency, Paulus Waterpauw, to become the acting governor of West Papua.

The request was made when the Commissioner General of Police (Ret.) was on a working visit (kunker) out of Domine Eduard Osok Airport in Sorong, Friday, April 22. Paulus has served as Head of the Papua Regional Police twice.

The head of the Alliance of Legal Observers, Angki Dimara, assessed that Paulus was a very worthy figure to occupy the position of acting governor of West Papua.

According to him, the law guarantees a State Civil Apparatus, including the National Police with a rank that meets the requirements as he can be employed as an acting governor until the 2024 election.

"Mr. Waterpauw is an experienced person in his work, so we think he is very worthy to be the acting governor of West Papua," he said.

Angki said that the governorship of West Papua ends this year, so it is hoped that the central government, in this case the Ministry of Home Affairs, will employ him as an acting governor until the 2024 election.

Paulus, who gave a separate statement, stated that he was ready if he was later assigned by the state as the acting governor of West Papua. "Until now I am still bound as an ASN who is currently serving as Deputy II of the BNPP Ministry of Home Affairs. In principle, if the state gives me the task, I will definitely carry it out," he said.

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