Bandung - The role of women today cannot be separated from the pioneering women fighters like RA did. Kartini, Dewi Sartika, Rohana Kudus, and other female fighters. The spirit of those who fought in their era is still relevant for today's era where digital transformation has taken place. This momentum is trying to echo in commemorating Kartini Day, April 21 this year.
The Association of Informatics and Computer Universities (Apticom) in collaboration with the RI Kominfo, Perwari Jabar, Persikindo Jabar and BNN RI held a webminar through the zoom application with the theme "The Role of Kartini in the Era of Society 5.0" on Thursday, April 21, 2022.
On that occasion, the Director of Information and Communication for the Economy and Maritime Affairs of the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) of the Republic of Indonesia, Septriana Tangkary said that currently the population in Indonesia is around 277.7 million people, of which 204.7 million are internet users. According to him, this is where the digitalization program is considered successful in improving society to develop the education of the next generation.
![Chairperson of the West Java PKK TP, Atalia Praratya Ridwan Kamil, invites women in Indonesia to rise up together. (Ist Photo) Ketua TP PKK Jawa Barat, Atalia Praratya Ridwan Kamil mengajak para perempuan di Indonesia untuk bangkit bersama-sama. (Foto Ist)](/storage/publishers/160641/body_image_2022042213.jpeg)
In addition, currently MSMEs are the backbone of the national economy in Indonesia, there are around 65.4 million MSMEs in Indonesia including 37 million MSMEs or 64.5 percent of MSMEs are managed by women. This means, with the current digital technology, it can promote gender equality for women. Because the existence of sophisticated devices really supports women to be more empowered in participating in all fields.
“With the advancement of communication technology as it is today, women can carry out various activities. Starting from doing office tasks, selling online, mobilizing the community or community through social media, to seeking information about nutrition or children's education," said Septriana when she became the Keynote Speaker for this webinar.
On the same occasion, the Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA) of the Republic of Indonesia, I Gusti Ayu Bintang Darmawati said that recognizing gender equality for women and men is one of Human Rights (HAM). Therefore, it is appropriate if women must be recognized by the existence of gender equality in every sector of nation building.
![Chairman of the Committee – Aptikom, Nina Kurnia Hikmawati. (Ist Photo) Ketua Panitia – Aptikom, Nina Kurnia Hikmawati. (Foto Ist)](/storage/publishers/160641/body_image_2022042213-1.jpeg)
“We must not put a gender label on any job. So it's our job to make sure all sectors and all fields of work are women-friendly. It is time for development in all sectors to put forward the principle of equality and efforts to empower women. Let us relentlessly promote gender equality for the sake of the nation's progress," said Bintang.
Meanwhile, Mamah West Java and Chair of the West Java TP PKK, Atalia Praratya Ridwan Kamil invited women in Indonesia to rise up together, to take part in nation building. With the current freedom of access to opportunity and equality, she asked Indonesian women not to stop learning under any circumstances.
This webminar in commemoration of Kartini Day also invited various speakers including Perwari of West Java, Dewi Indriani Jusup; BNN, Riza Sarasvita; and Chairman of the Committee – Aptikom, Nina Kurnia Hikmawati.
“Don't be tired to upgrade yourself, because knowledge, insight and skills can be obtained anywhere. Happy Kartini Day to all women in Indonesia. Let's work optimally, to contribute to the nation's civilization," he said.
The speaker who appeared in the webinar in commemoration of Kartini Day emphasized the importance of the role of women in this era of digital transformation as echoed by Kartini in the past.
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