SURABAYA - A mass of workers who are members of the East Java Reject Omnibus Law (Getol) Movement will hold a massive action to urge the government to revoke the Job Creation Law. The plan for demonstrations will be held at three points, Thursday, October 8.

Habibus Shalihin, Head of the City Labor and Poor City Foundation for the Legal Aid Institute (YLBH), said that the protest against the Omnibus Law would be followed by around 3 thousand combined masses from various elements of labor, students, farmers and other elements. The action will start from the Waru Roundabout, Sidoarjo, before heading to the East Java DPRD office at 10.00 WIB.

"This is the result of an agreement between friends from all elements. The plan is that we will go to three locations, namely between the Grahadi State Building, the Governor's Office, and the East Java DPRD," said Habib, confirmed on Wednesday, October 7.

The main demand is that the masses urge the government and the DPR to cancel the Omnibus Law. Habib considered the Job Creation Law not very pro-people.

"That's why we will launch a No-Trust Motion to the government and the DPR who have betrayed the people," he explained.

Previously, hundreds of masses from various elements of labor had staged an action at the East Java DPRD. The action, which was followed by hundreds of masses, was a warm-up before staging a massive action on Thursday, October 8. The demands are clear, they reject and urge the government and DPR to revoke the omnibus law.

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