BANGKA BELITUNG - The Office of the Ministry of Religion of West Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province has set the amount of zakat fitrah this year at IDR 31,250 per person. NU, Muhammadiyah, DMI, Baznas and the heads of KUA," said Head of the West Bangka Regency Ministry of Religion Syarifudin in Mentok, Thursday. a joint decision signed by the Head of the Office of the Ministry of Religion of West Bangka Regency and the Chair of the West Bangka Baznas determined the value of zakat fitrah at 2.5 kilograms of rice or Rp. 31,250 per person, while for fidyah, it was set at Rp. For zakat maal assets, the zakat must be issued if the nishab is sufficient 85 grams of gold or the equivalent of 226.95 points (1 gram = 2.67 points). Head of the Regional Welfare Section of the Regional Secretary of West Bangka Regency, Armizi hopes that the determination of the amount of zakat fitrah, fidyah and zakat maal can be a guide in the obligation to pay zakat this year." We hope that these guidelines in carrying out the obligation to pay zakat can help the community complete the implementation of the fasting worship of Ramadan 1443 Hijri," he said.

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