MAKASSAR- Hundreds of students from the Muhammadiyah University (Unismuh) Makassar held a demonstration against the Job Creation Law .

Students block the road by hijacking container trucks, burning tires and laying stones in the middle of Jalan Sultan Alauddin, Makassar City, Wednesday, October 7.

The demonstration in front of the Unismuh campus was carried out at two points, namely the entrance route and the exit route. They wear the alma mater and black clothes. Orations were made in hijacked containers.

Photo: Thamzil / VOI

Meanwhile, Kapolsek Rappocini, Kompol HA Ashari, admitted that he did not prohibit demonstrators from taking action. But the demonstrators were asked not to burn tires.

"It is permissible to convey public opinion. The most important thing here is not to burn tires, if burning tires damages health, we also remind you of the time," he said.

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