JAKARTA - The Head of the Democrat Party, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY), praised Benny K Harman (BKH). He led the walkout during the DPR plenary of the ratification of the Job Creation Law.
"BKH is my discussion partner. He is a senior politician (also Deputy Chairperson) of the Democratic Party from NTT. He is often referred to as the 'Parliamentary Tiger' because of his courage to voice the aspirations of the people in the Indonesian House of Representatives," said AHY as quoted from the Instagram account @agusyudhoyono, Wednesday, October 7.
AHY had a discussion with Benny Harman about the efforts to fight for the hopes of the people. Especially, after the Democratic Faction rejected the Omnibus Law Work Creation Bill. AHY continued, The Democrat's struggle ran aground on Monday, October 5.
"We didn't have enough voice. Once again, I apologize to the people, especially the workers. BKH urged faction's rights to be read out since two of the nine factions did not agree to the ratification of the Job Creation Bill," said AHY.
When the Head of the trial rejected this pressure, Benny Harman led the Democrat Faction walkout. AHY called the walkout as a form of rejection of various procedural and substance defects that occurred in the discussion of the Omnibus Law.
"I am proud and appreciate BKH's attitude and courage. In my opinion, we can upgrade a skill. But the courage to defend the truth and justice is difficult to upgrade,” said AHY.
Benny Harman previously said two reasons led them to walk out or leave the Plenary Meeting. The two reasons are technical and substantive.
"The technical reason is the decision-making mechanism. The decision is made by deliberation and consensus if all the faction members in the plenary meeting agree," Benny told reporters at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, October 5.
According to him, the voting mechanism in the plenary session was not under the rules of law. If there is a faction that rejected it, there should be voting. However, the chairman of the meeting continued the meeting.
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