MATARAM - The public prosecutor detained three of the four suspects in the corruption case in the project to add an operating room and ICU at the North Lombok Regional General Hospital, West Nusa Tenggara.

"We have entrusted the detention of three suspects to the NTB Police Detention Center," said Head of the Intelligence Section of the Mataram Kejari Heru Sandika Triyana in Mataram, as reported by Antara, Wednesday, April 20.

The three suspects who are undergoing detention are the project commitment maker (PPK) with the initials EB, the director of the supervisory consultant CV Cipta Pandu Utama with the initials DD, and the director of the project implementing company PT Apro Megatama from Makassar, South Sulawesi, the initials DT.

"We detained them as of today after we received phase two (delegation of suspects and evidence) from the investigating prosecutor," he said.

As for one more suspect, namely the former Director of the North Lombok Hospital with the role of the Budget User Authority (KPA) with the initials SH, Heru admitted that his party had not made any arrests.

"Because we have only received three people, so we have to hold on to what we have," he said.

Regarding the second stage for suspect SH, Heru admitted that he did not know the reason.

"For the reason, that is the authority of the investigating prosecutor who can convey. We are only here to carry out what has been delegated," he said.

However, regarding SH not participating with three other suspects in the second phase of the implementation, Wednesday (20/4), his attorney, Herman Sorenggana, confirmed that his client is currently busy carrying out his duties on Sumbawa Island.

"He's now the head of the COVID-19 Prevention and Handling Task Force in Sumbawa, so he's busy there, he can't attend the examination today," said Germany.

For that reason, Herman admitted that he was representing his client before the investigating prosecutor.

"So, I myself came before the investigating prosecutor. I submitted a request for a postponement (phase two) for that reason," he said.

The project to add an operating room and ICU was carried out in the 2019 budget year. This project cost IDR 6.4 billion of APBD funds.

Allegations of corruption arose because work was delayed and resulted in fines. This resulted in a potential state loss of Rp. 1.757 million. This value appears based on the audit results of the North Lombok Inspectorate.

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