JAKARTA - Governor Ganjar Pranowo received complaints from many residents when he led the Regional Musrenbang activities for the residencies of Kedungsepur (Kendal, Demak, Ungaran, Salatiga City, Purwodadi and Semarang City) and Petanglong (Pekalongan Regency, Batang, and Pekalongan City). And many problems are solved right then and there.

A number of issues raised by the community at the forum, Ganjar could immediately resolve.

For example, the problem presented by one of the representatives of the women's group, Ika Nela Setiani. On that occasion, Ika conveyed the problems faced by mothers with children with special needs. According to him, the handling of children with special needs in Pekalongan Regency is still not optimal.

"There is no child development clinic here, sir, besides that there is no psychologist who specifically handles this. We hope there will be a psychologist to treat our children,” said Ika.

Ika, who is also active in the organization for children with special needs, said that many children with special needs have not yet received their rights. Those who live in remote villages find it difficult to access health care in cities because of the distance and lack of transportation.

"Okay, Mrs. Ika, later for psychologists, we will help our Health Service. Sir, please follow up immediately, Mrs. Ika's number is recorded to find out her needs. For those who have difficulty going to the city for treatment because of the distance and lack of transportation, I will give you a car, ma'am," said Ganjar, surprising Ika, as in his written statement, Wednesday, April 20.

Ika didn't expect to get such a quick response from Ganjar. In fact, he also did not expect to get the help of a car.

"My expectations were not like that, apparently Pak Ganjar's response was that fast," he said.

When Ganjar asked the Head of the Health Service to immediately assign psychologists to the Puskesmas and hospitals, Ika said this was extraordinary.

"My suggestion about having volunteers enter the Puskesmas for psychologists and the Regional Hospital provided by a psychologist, Pak Ganjar agreed was extraordinary, especially when there was a quick response to the difficulty of mobilizing children with the help of a car. Hopefully it can be useful," he concluded.

Not only Ika, another resident who did not expect Ganjar's quick response was the Head of Paninggaran Village. At that time, the Paninggaran village head conveyed to Ganjar about the potential in his village, one of which was a tea plantation.

"We have a lot of products, sir, we have marketed them to various regions. We just need the help of a teabag making machine so that we can produce optimally,” he said.

The village head said that he had conducted a survey on the price of making tea bags. According to information, the price of the machine is around Rp. 60 million to Rp. 70 million.

"It's cheap, I bought it. Yes, I bought it because I already have the proof. I also hold the tea produced by the village of Njenengan. I'll buy the teabag making machine later," explained Ganjar.

This answer, of course, made everyone present at the Musrenbang applaud. They did not expect to get a direct response from Ganjar.

"Thank you, Pak Ganjar, that's really top," said the Paninggaran village head.

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