BANJARMASIN - Police have started an investigation into the collapse of the three-story "Alfamart" minimarket building on Jalan Ahmad Yani Km 14 Gambut, Banjar Regency, South Kalimantan (Kalsel) which killed five people.

"The investigation is being handled by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Banjar Resort Police," said Head of Public Relations of the South Kalimantan Police, Kombes Mochamad Rifa'i, in Banjarmasin, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, April 20.

A series of examinations were also carried out by investigators by asking eyewitnesses in the field, including the Alfamart management.

Rifa'i said that two survivors from Alfamart employees had also been taken.

Even so, he ensured that the police temporarily prioritized the recovery process for the victims who were injured and being treated intensively in hospitals.

Meanwhile, for an on-site inspection, the Surabaya branch of the Police Forensic Laboratory (Labfor) team was brought in at the East Java Regional Police who carried out the crime scene.

"The conclusion of the Labfor Team as a supporter of the investigation is to determine whether it fulfills the criminal element or not related to this incident," explained Rifa'i.

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