MAGELANG- The Criminal Investigation Unit of the Salaman Sector Police arrested two perpetrators of violent beatings against two youths in Krasak Village, Salaman District, Magelang Regency. The perpetrators who were arrested were DKP (21) a resident of Kaliabu, Salaman sub-district and a student with the initials lAF (17) a resident of Kwaderan, Kajoran District, Kab. Magelang.

Meanwhile, the two victims were Mahmudin (27) a resident of Girirejo Village, Tempuran District, Magelang, and Dede Hendriasyah (31) a resident of Pringombo Village, Tempuran District, Magelang. Both victims suffered head injuries. Not only that, the victim's finger, Dede(31), had a wound on his finger where the fingernail came off.

The Head of Salaman Police, AKP Marsodik, revealed that the incident took place on Sunday, April 17, at around 02.00 WIB, to be precise, in Getangan Hamlet, Krasak Village, Salaman District, Magelang Regency.

“At that time the two victims were hanging out with their friends. Suddenly, a group of people came on a motorbike and immediately attacked the victim by hitting the victim with a brick on Mahmudin's forehead until he bled," said Marsodik Salaman, Wednesday, April 20.

Meanwhile, the victim Dede tried to cover his head with his hands, but because he was hit by a brick, the fingernail of his right index finger fell off.

"For the incident, the victim finally reported it to the Salaman Police," he explained.

Salaman Police personnel after conducting a crime scene (TKP) managed to identify the perpetrators.

"On Monday, April 18, at around 01.00 we managed to secure the DKP suspect. Then the development was carried out and it was known that other actors, namely IAF, were bestatus still second-grade students of SMK in Magelang, "explained Marsodik.

Meanwhile, the DKP suspect explained that the motive for the beating was motivated by revenge for the previous incident.

"Because previously I was beaten in the Tempuran area and I took revenge," said the perpetrator.

Currently the DKP suspect is being detained for the next 20 days, while IAF children are required to report because they are still students and the legal process is still ongoing against IAF children.

"The two suspects were charged with Article 170 of the Criminal Code, namely the crime of collectively committing violence against people or goods with a maximum penalty of 7 years in prison," said Marsodik.

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