JAKARTA - DPR Speaker Puan Maharani responded to a member of the PDIP faction Masinton Pasaribu who was reported to the Honorary Council (MKD) for attacking Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan regarding the postponement of the election.

According to Puan, the polemic over the 2024 General Election and other related issues would be better off just ending it. This includes Masinton's statement asking Luhut to step down over the big data claims.

Because, he said, President Joko Widodo had explicitly stated that the Simultaneous Election would still be held on February 14, 2024.

"We both know that the president has stated that the 2024 election stage process has begun. That is, it will still be held on February 14, 2024, so I think the polemic regarding whether or not it is postponed and so on, we will just end it," said Puan at the DPR building. , Tuesday, April 19.

The chairman of the PDIP DPP emphasized that this issue does not need to be discussed again. Moreover, the DPR together with the government and election organizers in this case the KPU-Bawaslu have discussed further the stages of the 2024 Election.

"So, yes, we don't need to talk about it anymore, but how about now we start the process of the election stages. The KPU-Bawaslu have also been inaugurated and have also started holding meetings in the DPR according to the mechanism to carry out the existing stages, " said Mrs.

Previously, Member of the DPR from the PDIP Fraction, Masinton Pasaribu, was reported to the House of Representatives' Honorary Court (MKD) regarding the attack on the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Menko Marves) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan.

Coordinator of the United Indonesia Volunteer Presidium (RIB), Lisman Hasibuan, said Masinton caused a commotion by uttering unethical sentences and attacking Luhut.

"Reporting Brother Masinton Pasaribu, a member of the DPR RI from PDIP, which we have seen in public for the past few days has caused quite a stir. He used unethical language, attacking Mr. Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan," said Lisman Hasibuan, Monday, April 18.

It is known, Masinton asked Luhut to resign from his position because he echoed the postponement of the election and called the big data issue a hoax. In fact, according to Lisman, Luhut really helped President Joko Widodo in the government.

"What we know is that he is an assistant to the president who is currently very helpful to the president in building and guarding the Jokowi government," he continued.

Lisman assessed that the narrative used by Masinton against Luhut related to big data and the discourse on postponing the election was not good and frontal.

"He shouldn't be good at voicing this to the public, let alone attacking head-on to Mr Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, who we consider to be an old man," he said.

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