JAKARTA - A demonstration by students who are members of the Geger Banten alliance staged a demonstration against the Omnibus Law or the work copyright law which ended in chaos, in Serang, Tuesday night.

Reported by Antara, Tuesday, October 6, the first student action was carried out by gathering in front of UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanudin (SMH) Banten at around 16.00 WIB. Then the students also burned tires and closed the Jendral Sudirman road, Serang City.

One of the main officers of the Banten Regional Police, namely Karo Ops Polda Banten Kombes Pol Amiludin Roemtaat, suffered head injuries allegedly due to throwing stones while securing a student demonstration in front of UIN Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Banten Police Chief Inspector General Pol Drs. Fiandar expressed his concern and regretted the demonstration which went disorderly and caused riots.

"Today we are carrying out security related to the student demonstration. However, because it has exceeded the hours for the demonstration, I ordered the personnel to disperse the students who were demonstrating," said Banten Police Chief, Irjen Fiandar.

Demonstrations of thousands of students who are members of various universities in front of the UIN campus on Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, Serang City ended in chaos.

The action of thousands of students could not be controlled and led to chaos when the police dispersed them because they had exceeded the time limit set for conducting a demonstration.

As a result of the rioting, one of the police officers was hit by a stone, namely Karo ops Polda Banten Kombes Pol Amiludin Roemtaat.

When the police made humanist efforts to disperse the demonstration, suddenly the alleged person who was suspected of throwing a stone hit Kombes Amiludin's left forehead, causing a lump and bleeding.

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