BOGOR - Katulampa Dam, Bogor City, West Java experienced an increase in water level (TMA) reaching 130 cm so that it was on Alert 3 status for flooding in DKI Jakarta, due to heavy rains that fell in almost all areas of Bogor on Monday around 16.00-20.01 WIB.

According to the Head of the Katupampa Dam, Andi Sudirman, the heavy rain that lasted for approximately 4 hours in the Bogor area caused the TMA to rise.

"The increase in TMA starts at around 18.00 WIB, because since 16.00 WIB the Bogor area from upstream has been raining. The discharge has reached 91,760 liters/second," he said as quoted by Antara, Monday, April 18.

Andi said, the increase in TMA was above 50 cm around 18.00, then thirty minutes later, it rose to 60 cm to 90 cm or entered Siaga 3.

In the area of Puncak Cisarua, Bogor Regency, which is still raining, the TMA increase continues until 20:01 to 130 cm.

Andi estimates that the Ciliwung TMA could still rise, given the high rainfall upstream of Ciliwung in Puncak, Cisarua.

"It can take around 10 to 12 hours, water from the Ciliwung River will arrive downstream of Jakarta and its surroundings," said Andi.

Andi also appealed to the people along the banks and downstream of the Ciliwung River to remain vigilant.

"Standby means alert, hopefully TMA will go down, not go up. But it might happen, it all depends on the rainfall," he said.

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