MEDAN - A 17-year-old woman in North Tapanuli Regency (Taput) became a victim of rape by 2 murder recidivist men. A perpetrator with the initials JFS (32) was arrested.

Taput Police Chief AKBP Ronal Sipayung through Head of Public Relations Aiptu W Baringbing said the police were still hunting for another perpetrator with the initials BL.

The incident began when the victim and her boyfriend were sitting on the river embankment. Suddenly the two suspects came to the victim and claimed to be Satpol PP officers.

"The perpetrator then threatened the victim and said, what are you doing here at night, we are from Satpol PP. Come on, I will take you to the Satpol PP office now," explained Aiptu Baringbing, Monday, April 18.

Getting the threat, the victim and her boyfriend became frightened. The victim complied with the suspect's orders.

"At first, the suspect JFS took the victim's girlfriend on a motorbike and brought her to the front of the Satpol PP office and lowered her to make it look as if they were Satpol PP. But the perpetrators of BL kept the victim on the river embankment," he said.

Then, after JFS left the victim's boyfriend in front of the Satpol PP office, the suspect returned to pick up BL and the victim to the river embankment. The perpetrator took the victim to the hut.

"After arriving at the hut, the two suspects threatened the victim not to scream and take turns raping her. After that, the victim was escorted back to her original place on the embankment alone," he said.

Aiptu Baringbing said that the next morning, the victim told his family and finally reported it to the police.

"After we received the complaint from the victim's parents, Saturday, April 16, the Criminal Investigation Team immediately moved to pursue the perpetrator. We caught the suspect JFS on the same day. While one initial BL escaped and is currently still in our pursuit," he said.

The suspect BL once committed the murder of a girl in Taput and was sentenced to 18 years in prison.

"Meanwhile, JFS has also been involved in a robbery and murder case of a rubber businessman in Padangsidempuan and was sentenced to 20 years in prison. After they left, they committed crimes again," he explained. =

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