JAKARTA - The Deputy Secretary General (Wasekjen) of the 212 Alumni Brotherhood (PA) Novel Bamukmin is ready to meet the challenge of social media activist Denny Siregar to a duel in the boxing ring. Novel suggested that the fight be held in Saudi Arabia.

Novel said that the fighting location in Saudi could open Denny's mind so that he no longer likes to brand Kadrun to people who are against the government.

"The place is only in Saudi Arabia. Denny, just once you get guidance, no longer says Muslims who are not in line with the regime are kadrun," Novel said in a short message to VOI.

The call for a duel was conveyed by Denny Siregar on his social media account after learning about the news that Novel Bamukmin denied the allegation that the perpetrators of beating Ade Armando were associated with Kadrun.

Ade Armando is a social media activist who is close to Denny Siregar who was beaten by a group of people when he planned to create YouTube content in the midst of demands for Joko Widodo (Jokowi)'s refusal to return to office for three terms from the masses of the University of Indonesia Student Executive Board (BEM UI) in front of the Parliament Complex. Senayan Jakarta on Monday 11 April.

Ade is known as a figure who often supports Jokowi's policies. The lecturer at the University of Indonesia often strongly criticizes those who oppose the cabinet's efforts to run the government.

Novel considers the beatings occurred because law enforcement allowed the blasphemy case that was entangling Ade to hang. Denny also reacts to challenge Novel duel and even prepares the location of the fight between the two.

"If it's the same with this one [showing the news followed by a photo of Novel Bamukmin], would you like a duel in the ring. I'll prepare the ring later. How about it? If you agree, please RT (retweet)," Denny wrote via his Twitter account, @Dennysiregar7.

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