TANGERANG - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) of Tangerang City spoke about the large number of teenagers and even minors involved in brawls during the holy month of Ramadan.

Deputy Chairperson of the Tangerang City MUI, Abdullah Thalib, assessed that the cause of the children being involved in the brawl was the parents who educated them.

Therefore, he appealed to parents at home to participate in supervising and educating their children not to engage in brawls.

“This is basically parents as (less) early educators. (So) spread love, then you will get love," Abdullah said during the WHTR Working Group's Ngopi Item discussion at Alam Sutra Mall, Tangerang City, quoted on Sunday, April 17.

"Every sin committed by the child will be passed on to his parents," he continued.

Meanwhile, the Tangerang Metro Police Chief, Kombes Pol Komarudin, said that short-term handling needs to be done, considering the phenomenon of crimes committed by children often occurring and the modes are increasingly diverse.

He gave an example, ranging from the use of social media (medsos) to online games that trigger crimes committed by children in the real world.

"There needs to be a role for all elements of society to guide the formation of children's character. Everyone must care about the current conditions, lest our children do things that harm themselves and the nation and state. It is feared that our country no longer has a smart generation," he explained

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