TARAKAN - Speedboat Masagenae parked in the post area of the Patrol Unit of the Indonesian Navy's Main Base (Lantamal) XIII caught fire in Tarakan, North Kalimantan.

"The chronology of the ship's fire is thought to have been caused by sparks that appeared during the repair of the water pump at the back of the ship," said Head of Polair Polres Tarakan Iptu Jamzani in Tarakan.

Two speedboats with an engine capacity of 200 PK caught fire at around 12.30 WITA.

"So, there were two people who were repairing the water pump engine at the back of the ship and suddenly an eye witness, Ismail, saw sparks from the back which grabbed the jerry can containing spare gasoline," said Jamzani.

Currently, the two people, namely Khaerul, a speedboat motorist, and Hendra, a crew member (ABK), were victims of the burning speedboat.

The two of them jumped into the sea to save themselves. However, both of them suffered burns.

Currently, Khaerul and Hendra have been given first treatment with burns of 13.5 percent.

Khaerul suffered burns to his face, neck, and hands, while Hendra also suffered the same injuries.

"Both are still conscious now," said Jamzani.

There is also the condition of the speedboat currently still in the gusung waiting for evacuation. Speedboat Masegenae is a speedboat that serves chartered passengers.

"If the condition of the body is still there, it is not completely charred, but the inside is all gone," he said.

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