SOLOK SELATAN - The government of South Solok Regency, West Sumatra, provides population administration services for the elderly and people with disabilities by visiting their homes through the innovation "Pai Malala". Through this joint movement, it is hoped that the recording, recording, and issuance of population documents for persons with disabilities can be further improved," said the Regent of South Solok, Khairunas, in Padang Aro, Friday, April 15. The day before, the Regent of Khairunas held a "zoom meeting" to declare the Joint Movement Population Administration Services for Persons with Disabilities throughout Sumatra, then the launch and socialization of Dukcapilsigap online services and the signing of a cooperation agreement between the head of the South Solok Dukcapil Service and the Muara Labuh Religious Court. ki civil registration data for persons with disabilities. "This is also one of the efforts to provide equal services, especially for persons with disabilities," he said as quoted by Antara. competence of the public service apparatus that is trusted, fast, responsive and supported by the improvement of service facilities and infrastructure.

Another innovation is the collaboration between the Head of the South Solok Dukcapil Service and the Muara Labuh Religious Court, through the Integrated Data Service Information System, which is the issuance of post-divorce South Solok community documents. He invites all agencies to provide the best service to the community, thereby giving satisfaction to the community. The Acting Head of Dukcapil Dukcapil South Solok, Efi Yandri, said that the Nagari Sigap online program had been implemented in South Solok which was currently led by Nagari Pakan Rabaa Utara, Bomas, and Talao. He added that the innovation "Pai Malala" would be included in the innovation competition. The head of West Sumatra Disdukcapil, Basri Rahmat, said that on March 31, 2022, the Dukcapil performance was at the best level in Indonesia, ranking 4th. leadership is needed to provide provide maximum service to the community," he said.

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