JAYAPURA - Mimika Police Propam detained Brigadier AK, the perpetrator of the abuse against Taman, a meatball or cilok frontman seller in Timika. April 13," said the Head of Propam for the Papua Police, Kombes Sanchez Napitupulu, to Antara in Jayapura, Thursday, April 14. criminally or internally, including his presence in Timika whether there is a permit or not," said Napitupulu while regretting the occurrence of the case, especially since the member was drunk. Kombes Sanchez Napitupulu admitted that from reports received the beating occurred when the victim was selling in In front of SMU N Timika, the perpetrator came to order a frontman who he sold for Rp. 20,000. Sa At the victim was cooking his order, suddenly the perpetrator Brigadier AK approached and hit the victim three times in the face until he was injured and bruised. The victim then reported the beating he had experienced and did a visum et repertum and the case was handled by the Mimika Police in Timika.

"The perpetrators of Brigadier AK cannot be questioned because they are still under the influence of alcohol," said Kombes Sanchez Napitupulu.

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