JAKARTA - The news of the rotation of a member of the DPR PKB faction, Luqman Hakim, from the leadership of Commission II to become a member of Commission IX was highlighted. The reason is that Luqman's removal as deputy chairman of Commission II was determined after President Joko Widodo firmly rejected the discourse of postponing the election.

Speculation is growing, Luqman was transferred to the health commission because he contradicted the attitude of the General Chair Muhaimin Iskandar alias Cak Imin regarding the 2024 election. So far, Luqman, who is the chairman of the commission, does not agree if the election is postponed. Of course, Luqman's attitude was not in accordance with the direction of his party.

It is known, Cak Imin is one of the people who is keen to voice the postponement of the election. As Chairman of the PKB, he has full authority to rotate its members in the DPR.

"Luqman is one of the members of the DPR RI who voiced his rejection of the postponement of the election. Therefore, it is natural for the public to associate Luqman's attitude when he was rotated from Commission II of the DPR RI," said Esa Unggul University political communication observer Jamiluddin Ritonga to VOI, Thursday, April 14.

"Cak Imin's decision certainly sets a bad precedent for members of the DPR RI. Members of the DPR RI who are against their party will easily be sanctioned," he continued.

Reflecting on the decision, Jamiluddin said, each member of the DPR should not have a different attitude from his party. In fact, he said, the attitude he took was based on the voice of the people, especially the will of his constituents.

This, according to him, made the members of the DPR RI even more voicing the aspirations of the people. Every time they want to speak up, members of the DPR RI no longer look at the aspirations of their constituents, but instead have to ask the party's attitude first.

"So, the Luqman case should be a lesson for the DPR RI regarding the weakness of the constitutional rights of its members in the eyes of his party. As a result, the party will arbitrarily castrate its members who dare to speak differently from their party," explained Jamiluddin.

As a result, continued Jamiluddin, DPR members are more responsible to their party, not to their voters. Whereas a person has the right to sit in the DPR because the people voted for him.

Therefore, Jamiluddin considered, it is time for the DPR RI to reduce the role of parties in imposing sanctions on their members. He suggested that DPR members who voiced their constituents' votes should not be sanctioned by their party.

"If this can be realized, members of the DPR RI will no longer be afraid to contradict the attitude of their party. The people will become a tool for the struggle of every member in the DPR RI. The motto of the people's voice, the voice of God, will truly be realized," said Jamiluddin.

Previously, Luqman Hakim, a member of the DPR PKB faction, was removed from his position as Deputy Chair of Commission II. This removal was seen as the peak of anger from the General Chair of the PKB DPP Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin to Luqman who opposed the postponement of the 2024 election.

This right was obtained from a press statement circulating, on behalf of the jury speaking for the Chairman of the PKB DPP.

In the message, it was stated that when President Joko Widodo, April 10, 2022, emphasized that the 2024 General Election must still be held on February 14, 2024, there was no postponement of the election, extension of the term of office of the president and president for 3 terms, then Cak Imin had lost face.

The spokesperson for the PKB DPP said that Cak Imin had given orders to the leadership of the PKB faction of the DPR RI to remove Luqman in early March 2022.

However, the leadership of the PKB faction delayed carrying out the order. Therefore, Cak Imin gave a strong warning to the FPKB leadership on Monday, April 11, 2022.

Before committing the big sin against delaying the election which was spearheaded by Muhaimin, the PKB DPP had recorded many mistakes and sins committed by Luqman.

Spokesperson for the PKB DPP outlined the list of sins that Luqman committed. First, Luqman chose to remain as Chairman of the Central Executive GP Ansor even though Cak Imin had placed Ansor as a political opponent.

"Gus Muhaimin's attitude was due to Ketum Ansor Yaqut CQ accepting Jokowi's proposal as Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, without reporting it to Gus Muhaimin. Luqman favored Yaqut CQ and Ansor rather than Gus Muhaimin," said PKB DPP spokesman in a press statement received Wednesday, 13 April.

Second, at the 34th NU Congress in Lampung in December 2021, Luqman openly supported Gus Yahya. Meanwhile, Cak Imin gave direct orders to the management to mobilize all PKB resources to help win Buya Said Aqil Siradj for the third time.

Third, Luqman agreed to be appointed by Gus Yahya as Secretary of the PBNU Land and Waqf Institution. This error is considered fatal. This is because Luqman violated party ethics, discipline and did not respect Cak Imin, who was harmed by a number of Gus Yahya's maneuvers as the chairman of PBNU.

Luqman should have refused to join PBNU. Moreover, on various occasions, Cak Imin has stated his readiness to face Gus Yahya's attacks.

"Luqman's biggest sin is to oppose the attempt to postpone the election which was spearheaded by Gus Muhaimin," he said.

In addition to repeatedly expressing disapproval of the postponement of the election through the mass media, the PKB DPP also received information that Luqman had various closed activities to fight the postponement of the 2024 election.

"The removal of Luqman from the Deputy Chair of Commission II of the DPR RI is clear evidence that the DPP PKB does not tolerate anyone who is not submissive, obedient and loyal to Gus Muhaimin," he concluded.

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