JAKARTA - Presidential Special Staff for Social Affairs Angkie Yudistia said the opening of access to population registration for persons with disabilities is a momentum for improving disability data. people with disabilities," said Angkie Yudistia, through a virtual meeting in the socialization activity of the declaration of a joint movement for recording population documents for people with disabilities, in Bandarlampung, Thursday, April 14. population for persons with disabilities. "Registration, recording, population documents for persons with disabilities is a moment to improve the registration data for persons with disabilities," he said. "Based on BPS data processed by Bappenas, it is estimated that the number of people with disabilities in 2020 is 22.9 million or 8.5 percent of the total population of Indonesia, especially in Lampung, which is 759 thousand people. However, each agency has different data because the data are estimates, so this is the momentum for data improvement," he said.

According to him, validating data for persons with disabilities through recording the Population Identification Number (NIK) can help people with disabilities gain access to government programs. Disabled people are constrained in getting government programs, one of which is vaccination because they don't have a NIK," he added. He hopes that with the recording of population documents for persons with disabilities, equality in obtaining access to health, social assistance, and various accesses provided by the government can be obtained by persons with disabilities.

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