JAKARTA - Minister of Health Terawan Agus Putranto issued a Minister of Health Regulation (Permenkes) Number 24 of 2020 concerning Clinical Radiology Services. However, this regulation was opposed by the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI).

In Article 21, it is stated that every health service facility that provides clinical radiology services must have an effective, efficient, and accountable clinical radiology service organization.

David S. Perdanakusuma as chairman of the Indonesian Medical College Council (MKKI) representing the IDI Executive Board asked Terawan to revoke Permenkes 24/2020.

"We ask the Minister to review PMK 24/2020 and remove it in the not too distant future," said David in a written statement, Monday, October 5.

David regretted Terawan's impression of giving privileges to radiology specialists in medical services using equipment with ionizing and non-ionizing radiation modalities.

"In fact, other doctor colleagues also have standardized competencies and qualifications in terms of knowledge, skills and communication skills with patients," he said.

David explained that this rule has the potential to increase the morbidity and mortality rates for patients, including mothers and children, because obstetricians cannot perform ultrasound if they do not have the authority from the Radiology College.

Then, the assessment of the heart blood vessels for patients with narrowing of the blood vessels because it can no longer be done by cardiologists, even basic ultrasound by general practitioners is no longer possible.

"There will be chaos in health services with an impact on the wider community in the form of delays and decreased quality of service," said David.

Then, this rule will disrupt the services of at least 16 medical fields in the community. This is because radiology services have been run by 25 thousand specialists from 15 medical fields as well as general practitioners. Currently, it will only be served by about 1,578 radiologists.

This impact will also change the current standard of medical education for specialists and doctors. In fact, the competence of each field is determined by each collegiate, not by ministerial regulations.

Furthermore, the issuance of Permenkes 24/2020 has the potential for friction between fellow doctors. "In fact, in a pandemic situation we must support each other. Because we do not know how long this pandemic will last, the entire health community must support each other, including the full support of the government and the community," he concluded.

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