KALTENG - An underprivileged family on Jalan Karau Gang Sewarga, Buntok Kota Village, Dusun Selatan District, South Barito Regency, Central Kalimantan, received assistance from the police and volunteers.

The police and volunteers helped build a temporary shelter for a resident named Edi Trisnojaya and his wife.

"The construction of this house is as a temporary residence while waiting for the house to be built by the district government," said Head of the South Barito Police AKBP Yusfandi Usman in Buntok, Thursday, April 14, quoted from Antara.

He explained that members of the Bhayangkara Supervisor of Community Security and Order (Bhabinkamtibmas) together with volunteers raised funds from the community to build temporary housing for Edi Trisnojaya and his wife.

Head of Volunteer Care for South Barito Supiani said that the Rp17 million collected was used to build a temporary residence for Edi's family. Construction of temporary residences carried out for 10 days.

"Besides building a house, the funds collected are also used to buy mattresses and others," said Supiani.

Edi expressed his gratitude to the police officers and volunteers who helped build temporary housing for his family.

"I thank you for the help from the community and institutions that helped build this temporary house," he said.

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