JAKARTA - The Ministry of Home Affairs is drafting a regulation on non-tax state revenue (PNBP) for the use of population administration data (adminduk) by users, which is currently entering the initial stage of coordination between ministries and institutions.

"From this PNBP, it is hoped that it will help the Directorate General of Dukcapil carry out system maintenance and development in the long term," said Director General of Dukcapil Zudan Arif Fakrulloh in a statement in Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, April 13.

Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian, according to him, has approved and initialed the draft RPP PNBP for the use of population administration (adminduk).

Zudan explained that administrative services at the Directorate General of Dukcapil, Ministry of Home Affairs were facilitated by the Centralized SIAK. The administrative service produces outputs in the form of 24 resident documents and a population database.

The database resulting from the operation of the centralized population administration information system (SIAK) is managed by the Directorate General of Dukcapil and utilized by 4,962 user institutions (users) who have signed a cooperation agreement with Dukcapil.

"All of this requires hardware support consisting of servers, storage, and adequate supporting devices," he said.

The official statement from the Director General of Dukcapil responded to the news circulating regarding the statement by the Deputy Chairman of Commission II of the DPR RI, Luqman Hakim.

The member of the Indonesian House of Representatives, the PKB faction, revealed that nearly 200 million population data at the Ministry of Home Affairs are in danger of being lost. The reason is that the hardware of hundreds of servers managed by the Dukcapil Data Center is too old.

Zudan expressed his gratitude for the support and attention of Commission II of the DPR RI, especially from Luqman Hakim, Deputy Chair of Commission II.

Zudan membenarkan perangkat keras tersebut rata-rata usianya sudah melebihi 10 tahun. Selain itu sudah habis masa garansi. Komponen perangkat itu sudah tidak diproduksi lagi ("end off support/end off life").

Menurut dia, memang sudah saatnya server-server diremajakan agar pelayanan publik menjadi lebih baik dan menjaga Pemilu Presiden dan Pilkada Serentak 2024 bisa berjalan baik dari sisi penyediaan daftar pemilih.

"Semuanya belum dilakukan peremajaan dan penambahan perangkat karena belum tersedia anggaran. Saat ini sebanyak 273 juta data penduduk terjaga baik, aman, sudah ada 'back up' data di DRC Batam dan 'storage'-nya masih relatif baru dengan kapasitas yang mencukupi" kata Zudan.

Ia menjelaskan untuk menjaga keberlangsungan sistem tetap berjalan, Ditjen Dukcapil mendapatkan dukungan hibah perangkat dari sejumlah lembaga pengguna yang telah banyak memanfaatkan database Ditjen Dukcapil berbasis nomor induk kependudukan (NIK).

Para pengguna itu, antara lain Bank Mandiri, BRI, BCA, BNI, Pegadaian, Bank Syariah Indonesia, dan lembaga pengguna lainnya. Dukcapil, kata dia, sangat terbantu oleh hibah CSR dari berbagai lembaga pengguna tersebut

Sejalan dengan itu, lanjut Zudan, Kemendagri sedang mengajukan alternatif pendanaan melalui Bappenas dan World Bank.

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