JAKARTA - The rupiah exchange rate on the spot market closed higher in trading earlier this week. The rupiah strengthened 0.43 percent or 65 points to a level of Rp14,800 per US dollar on Monday, October 5 trading.

Head of Research at Monex Investindo Futures, Ariston Tjendra, said the positive sentiment on the financial market today was related to the improving health of Donald Trump.

"According to the presidential doctor, Trump can be discharged from the hospital as early as Monday," Ariston told VOI.

In addition, the market is still waiting for news of the US stimulus package negotiations volume 2. The leader of the Democratic Party in the US Congress, Nancy Pelosi, spreads that negotiations are still ongoing and there is progress.

"The stimulus agreement will provide positive sentiment to financial markets," said Ariston.

Meanwhile, Director of TRFX Garuda Berjangka Ibrahim Assuaibi said that from within the country, economists' recession is a matter of time. However, he considered that the government had prepared several steps so that the recession issue was not a cause for concern.

"This is what makes the market optimistic about the domestic market again," said Ibrahim in his research.

The government, he continued, focuses on public health in various ways in order to overcome it, but all of these need help from the community.

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