MAGELANG - A total of 3,160 bottles of alcoholic beverages and 23.5 liters of palm wine were destroyed by the Police of the Magelang Resort, Central Java.

The destruction of thousands of bottles of alcoholic beverages of various brands was carried out at the Magelang Police Station, Tuesday, April 12. This action is to create a conducive climate during the holy month of Ramadan.

"This alcoholic beverage has a very big impact on the people who consume it, let alone consuming it more than enough so that it can cause vulnerability or the potential for disturbances in the security and social order, one of which is brawls and persecution," said Magelang Police Chief AKBP Sajarod Zakun, quoted from Antara.

He invited the whole community to help inform because this raid activity was to reduce the crime rate that occurred in the local district.

"We also invite the public to help provide information to us if there are sellers, consumers of alcoholic beverages, including drugs so that we can immediately follow up," he said.

The Regional Secretary of Magelang Regency, Adi Waryanto, appreciated the hard work of the Magelang Police and all of their staff in creating a situation and condition for social security, especially during this fasting month.

According to him, the destruction of evidence of alcoholic beverages is the result of hard work as well as a tangible manifestation of the performance of the local police so that the confiscated drinks that are very dangerous for the body can be collected.

Adi invites all elements of society to jointly maintain a conducive climate with a sense of security, peace, and comfort for all people in this area.

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