PALEMBANG - The Office of the National SAR Agency (Basarnas) Palembang City, South Sumatra evacuated nine crew members of the KM Ratu Samudra Mulya ship who survived, after the ship capsized in the waters of the Java Sea, Indramayu, West Java.

The nine crew members of the ship are Karim (Master), Buchori (Head of the Engine Room) and the crew (ABK) Andiana, Anda Lesmana, Ferdi Fernando, Mustafa M, Abdul Karim, Giri Purnama, and Eko P.

"Nine of the 10 crew members of the fishing boat KM Ratu Samudra Mulya who were rescued by the crew of the Tug Boad (TB) Bina Ocean 20 arrived at Bom Baru Harbor on Monday (11/4) afternoon, escorted by the Palembang Navy," said the Head of the Office The Palembang Basarnas Herry Marantika was quoted by Antara, Tuesday, April 12.

The nine crew members of the ship have now been handled by the Social Service of South Sumatra Province, for self-data collection, health checks and then returned to their hometowns in Indramayu, West Java.

"Two of them suffered minor injuries when they arrived yesterday but they have been handled by the provincial social service," he said.

He confirmed that Basarnas together with the Palembang Navy and Polairud Polda South Sumatra also prepared three rescue teams to accompany the Pangkal Pinang Basarnas and Bandung Basarnas, other related SAR elements looking for a crew member who was still declared missing.

The missing crew member was identified as Ato, a resident of Patrol, Indramayu, who served as crew member.

Based on information compiled from the Palembang Basarnas, KM Ratu Samudra Mulya, commanded by Karim and his colleagues, capsized after being hit by big waves while fishing for squid in the Java Sea waters, Indramayu, on Saturday (3/4).

Then, on Thursday (8/4) morning at around 06.00 WIB, the nine crew members of the ship were found by the crew of the TB Bina Ocean 20 who was passing through the waters to go to Palembang City.

When found, the crew of the ship continued to scream for help in floating conditions above sea level, which had been in extreme weather conditions for the past few days.

Until finally Karim and eight of his colleagues were rescued at around 08.00 WIB and were immediately taken to Palembang City for further assistance.

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