JAKARTA - The West Java Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) found alleged violations in four regions after one week of the 2020 Regional Head Election (Pilkada) campaign stage.

Chairman of the West Java Bawaslu, Abdullah said that the four regions were Depok City, Pangandaran Regency, Bandung Regency and Indramayu Regency.

"It is in Pangandaran Regency, Bandung Regency, Depok City, which can later be confirmed with Indramayu Regency," Abdullah said in Bandung, as reported by Antara, Sunday, October 4.

The violations, he said, were mostly committed by pairs of candidates by holding activities that were attended by exceeding the limit.

In accordance with the General Election Commission (PKPU) Regulation Number 13 of 2020, he said, meetings that were held face-to-face should not exceed 50 people. It also relates to health protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"There are also activities for up to 70-90 people, it is recommended that the supervision at the sub-district level be stopped," he said.

Even so, he did not mention in detail who the pair of candidates had committed the violation, as well as what forms of violation were committed.

"Campaign activities in other forms are also prohibited, for example healthy walking or cycling," he said.

So far, he said he had not found any violations committed in the online campaign. Even so, Bawaslu did encourage each pair of candidates to campaign online rather than face to face.

"It is hoped that it will be optimized online, yes, but if it is not possible this campaign will also be face-to-face, but there are conditions," he said.

Regarding the discovery of the alleged violation, he ensured that Bawaslu had taken steps to warn and take action so that campaign activities that did not comply with the regulations would be stopped.

"We do warnings first, twice, then if not twice, we recommend them to disband. Some things our supervisory function continues," he said.

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