KALTENG - The Provincial Government of Central Kalimantan (Kalteng) continues to make efforts to make the upcoming elections a success. One of them is by intensifying national political education.

Assistant for Government and People's Welfare of the Central Kalimantan Regional Secretariat, Katma F. Dirun, said that his party was trying to increase public understanding, including the younger generation, about the importance of a successful election as an embodiment of democracy.

"Election is very important in a democratic country, because it provides an opportunity for every citizen who has fulfilled the requirements to exercise their political rights," he said in Palangka Raya, Monday, April 11.

He emphasized that elections are a means of ensuring a change of leadership in the government, both at the central and regional levels, as well as the political representation of the people in parliament on a constitutional, regular and periodic basis.

"Therefore, elections are a means of realizing people's sovereignty in choosing government leaders and members of the representative council as representatives of the people," he said.

Given the importance of elections and public participation, Katma appealed to the public to exercise their right to vote in the upcoming elections.

He said elections are a means of making joint decisions in achieving common goals in accordance with democratic principles. Quality elections aim to improve the welfare and quality of life of the community.

"With the participation and concern of the community in the success of the democratic party, together we will create quality elections," said Katma.

Because the success or failure of the election, he said, was greatly influenced by public participation. This is a form of responsibility in the life of the nation and state.

In addition, he explained, as a measure of the level of understanding and involvement of the community in the state agenda, as an indicator of public interest in political activities, as well as a measure of legitimacy and public trust in elected leaders or representatives of the people.

"The form of community participation is being involved in all stages of the election, such as monitoring and distributing their voting rights," he said.

Voters' participation in Central Kalimantan in the 2019 Pilkada was 77.5 percent and this achievement is above the national target. It is hoped that in the simultaneous elections in 2024, voter participation will increase.

The Central Kalimantan Provincial Government has carried out national political education, including in South Barito and North Barito Regencies.

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