KALTIM - The East Kalimantan Provincial Government is targeting a 14 percent reduction in stunting or stunting in the local area by 2024.

Based on data from the East Kalimantan Population, Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Service (DKP3A), in 2021 there has been a decline in stunting cases from 28 percent to 22 percent (six percent).

"The target of East Kalimantan in the two years leading to 2024 is to reduce eight percent, so stunting cases in East Kalimantan can decrease by 14 percent," said Deputy Governor of East Kalimantan Hadi Mulyadi after receiving a visit from the Head of DKP3A Noryani Sorayalita with the East Kalimantan Stunting Task Force Team, at the Deputy Governor's Office, Jalan Milono Samarinda, Antara, Friday, April 8th.

Hadi believes that the East Kalimantan Provincial Government in cooperation with various parties will be able to achieve this target. The collaboration with the East Kalimantan Population, Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Service (DKP3A), Health Office, BKKBN, and various other parties is expected to be able to support the achievement of targets.

According to Hadi, this decline is not easy. Therefore, must work hard together. The East Kalimantan Stunting Task Force team that has been formed can work quickly with various parties, so that the targets to be achieved can be realized.

He advised all teams involved in stunting reduction to take to the field together, so that this case could decrease. That is, without cooperation with various parties, the target is not easy to achieve.

"God willing, we will go to the field by conducting socialization and counseling, so that people really understand how to avoid cases. The hope is that the people of East Kalimantan will always be in a healthy condition and their nutritional needs are guaranteed, so that the growth and development of mothers and children will be higher," he said.

Appearing to be present at the activity was the Acting Head of the East Kalimantan BKKBN Representative Hj Karlina K and the Head of the East Kalimantan Stunting Task Force Dr. Hj Fadilah Mante Runa.

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