JAKARTA - Governor of West Java (West Java) M Ridwan Kamil launched the Audience Budiman program (Ordering Cooking Oil Via the Greet Residents Application for Mothers Everywhere) at the Champion Market Sawangan, Depok City, Friday.

West Java issued a breakthrough policy for ordering and distribution of subsidized cooking oil rights via the Sapawarga application.

"In times of crisis like this, we assign the West Java BUMD to find a source of cooking oil and then distribute it to households in the most convenient way. Since this is the digital era, we use an application," said Ridwan Kamil in a press statement, Friday, April 8, quoted from Between.

Said the man who is familiarly called Kang Emil, this policy is a social response and a form of "state presence" in the midst of the difficulty conditions for West Java residents to access cheap cooking oil and the scarcity of subsidized bulk cooking oil that is still happening.

"So this is an initiative. We prioritize this program for the Bodebek area first, this is our endeavor, so residents order bulk cooking oil via the RW head," he said.

The RW chairman then ordered cooking oil via the Audience Budiman feature in the Sapawarga application developed by the West Java Information and Communications Office.

"So that later the cooking oil will be sent to the residents' homes or RW heads. This cooking oil was ordered by BUMD Agro Jabar, hopefully this can be used so that residents don't have to queue at the market or anywhere, just wait at home, as long as the RW is Mr. active," he said.

This application, according to Ridwan Kamil, cannot be directly accessed by the public, but by the RW and technically the RW registers citizens who need cooking oil and then orders via the application.

"For the control of the RW. So it can't be private. The RW will know which citizens need it. So the upper middle class will take the premium, we will protect the lower middle class through this new distribution system," he said.

Empowerment of RW heads themselves is carried out considering that they already have a communication channel with the Governor of West Java via the Sapawarga Application.

So that by activating the Budiman Audience service, residents can access bulk cooking oil via 185,600 RT and 48,147 RW throughout West Java.

"This is the solution that came from us, hopefully it can be used by mothers, hopefully this can help the comfort of the people of West Java," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the West Java Industry and Trade Office, Iendra Sofyan, said the service was only carried out during an "emergency" period, especially in the midst of the condition of residents who face spikes in the price of basic commodities and fuel in the month of Ramadan.

"The West Java Provincial Government is trying to help residents get access to affordable cooking oil. Another important point, apart from trying to meet the needs of residents, is that people's consumption patterns of cooking oil can be controlled," he said.

According to Iendra, residents who order bulk cooking oil via Audience Budiman are only limited to 3 kilograms per month per one family head.

To get this cooking oil, residents only need to pay Rp. 15,500 per kilo.

Iendra ensured that this price was set by following very strict rules from the Ministry of Trade, where the selling price could not be too deep and low from HET.

"The West Java Provincial Government ensures that the price paid by residents remains the same as the government's provisions," he said.

Iendra said that in this transaction process, residents deposited the money for the purchase of cooking oil to the RW through the RT.

"When the cooking oil ordered by the residents was sent by a courier to the RW's house, the RW was immediately paid for. Then the RW was assisted by the RT to update the receipt of the resident's testimony report," he said.

BUMD President Director PT Agro Jabar Kurnia Fajar said the governor was targeting to be able to pour 1 million liters of subsidized bulk cooking oil through the Budiman audience.

However, the fulfillment of cooking oil is still carried out in stages according to the purchasing ability of PT Agro Jabar and the ability to fulfill cooking oil by the producers, in this case PT Bina Karya Prima and PT Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia.

"As an illustration and first step, in one day Agro Jabar can buy and bring in two to four tanks with a capacity of 6 tons or 8000 liters. This means that in one day, this program can serve the needs of 16,000 to 24,000 liters of residents," he said.

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