SOLO - Mayor of Solo, Central Java, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, said digital transactions play an important role in accelerating the national economic recovery.

"Currently, we are encouraging business actors to enter into digital transactions. This is important to support the acceleration of national economic recovery," said Gibran in his remarks at a hybrid discussion event, Antara, Thursday, April 7.

Furthermore, Gibran said, the adaptation of digital transactions by the public, including micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) was increasingly accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic, which is now almost entering its third year.

"People are inevitably forced to adapt in order to survive. This situation has also accelerated the digitization process in various sectors, ranging from education, business, offices, arts and culture, to administrative services that have begun to adapt digital technology," said President Joko Widodo's son. .

Gibran explained, in Solo, MSME players and traders in traditional markets have started implementing cashless transactions. The massive adaptation, he continued, made Surakarta City get a MURI record in the category of "Most Digital Transactions in Traditional Markets".

"Traditional markets that implement cashless make it easier for traders and buyers. Digital transactions not only play a role in increasing turnover, but also provide various transaction conveniences, ease of getting suppliers, to transaction records," said Gibran.

He continued, the Solo City Government encouraged all business actors, especially MSMEs to go digital. The adoption of digital transactions has also been proven to boost economic growth in the city.

"Solo City's economic growth will experience positive growth in 2021 at 4.01 percent. This condition has increased after experiencing a deficit in the previous year of -1.74 percent. One of these is the result of the digitalization process for economic recovery," said Gibran.

On the other hand, the Director General of Information Applications at the Ministry of Communication and Informatics Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan said that Indonesia is currently in the process of accelerating the national digital transformation.

"To support this, one of the efforts made by the government is to develop a digital ecosystem consisting of several components ranging from infrastructure, supporting regulations, and the availability of qualified digital talent," said Semuel.

He continued, digital infrastructure is a basic need that must be accessible to all components of the nation. Meanwhile, in terms of regulation, Semuel said that the legal umbrella is important to create a conducive ecosystem, encourage healthy competition, and anticipate new innovations so that the digital ecosystem can grow fast.

"Meanwhile, digital human resources with good skills also need to be able to develop the use of digital technology properly and usefully," added Semuel.

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