MALUKU - Ambon City, Maluku conducted village head elections (pilkades) in eight villages and one country. The event was monitored online by the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) through the Directorate General of Village Administration (Ditjen Pemdes).

The Head of Sub-Directorate for Facilitation of Village Administration at the Ministry of Home Affairs, Ratna Andriani, conducted online monitoring with the Forkopimda of Ambon City, at TPS 9, Waiheru Village, Thursday 7 April, quoted from Antara.

Monitoring via video conference by holding a joint dialogue related to the preparation to the implementation stage of the village head election.

Ratna said that the implementation of the Pilkades was in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs (Permendagri) Number 72 of 2020 concerning the Second Amendment to Permendagri Number 112 of 2014 concerning the Pilkades.

The Pilkades were simultaneously held in the COVID-19 pandemic situation, which had not yet ended, thus limiting the number of voters at TPS.

"Voters are limited to only 500 voters per polling station, especially areas with PPKM level 4 criteria and villages that are still in the red zone," he said.

The government, he said, also encouraged local governments to continue implementing health protocols and accelerating vaccinations.

In addition to conducting dialogue, the Ministry of Home Affairs also monitors the flow of elections by the community at TPS, starting when voters arrive at TPS until the process of exercising their right to vote.

Ambon Mayor Richard Louhenapessy reports on the implementation of the village head election in Ambon City

The Pilkades in eight villages and one country were attended by 33 village head candidates, namely eight female candidates and 25 male candidates, with a total number of 30,053 voters spread over 72 polling stations.

The number of DPT in the village election, namely Wayame Village 3,971 people, Poka (3,543), Hunuth (2,141), Waiheru (7,069), Nania (2,500), Old Country (1,008), Lata (1,400), Galala (907), and Hative Country Small 7,512 souls.

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