JAKARTA - TNI middle-ranking officer Colonel Infantry Priyanto, a defendant in the case of the murder of two civilian teenagers in Nagreg, West Java, said the reason he came up with the idea of disposing of the victim's body was because he wanted to protect his subordinates. , namely my subordinate Corporal Two (Kopda) Andreas Dwi Atmoko. He has been taking care of my family for a long time so he intends to help and protect him," Colonel Priyanto said in a trial with the agenda of examining the defendant at the High Military Court II Jakarta, East Jakarta, Thursday 7 April He admitted that the idea of throwing the bodies of the two victims into the Serayu River in Banyumas, Central Java, was indeed a mistake. However, as a superior, he wants to protect his subordinates. Previously, to Chief Justice Brigadier General Faridah Faisal, Colonel Priyanto said that the Kopda Andreas Dwi Atmoko who hit the two victims on behalf of Handi Saputra and Salsabila. On the way, the defendant sat behind the Kopda Andreas was driving the car and fell asleep. Meanwhile, the replacement driver, Corporal One (Koptu) Ahmad Sholeh, sat beside Kopda Andreas. "But then I woke up because there was a loud crash. It turned out that there was a collision. The car stopped. The driver, Kopda Andreas, reported a crash. Everyone got out and looked. there is a man lying on the right side of the car. There is a woman screaming under the car," said Colonel Priyanto as quoted by Antara.

He and Kopda Andreas and Koptu Ahmad had the initial intention that the two victims would be taken to the hospital after being lifted into the car. At that time, the first driver to go to the hospital was Kopda Andreas. However, some time later, Kopda Andreas trembled while driving and couldn't focus. and was afraid because he thought about the fate of his family if he was named a defendant in the crash case. Colonel Priyanto.

Based on this statement, member judge Colonel Sus Mirtusin asked Colonel Priyanto whether or not there was a change of intention related to the idea within 6 hours from the time the accident occurred until the victim's body was disposed of. he asked. He only thinks about the desire to protect his subordinates.

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