GORONTALO - The Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD) of North Gorontalo, Gorontalo, has officially decided to propose the appointment and ratification of Deputy Regent (Wabup) Tariq Modanggu as Regent to replace the late Indra Yasin.

The chairman of the North Gorontalo DPRD, Deisy Sandra Maryana Datau, said the determination was made through an internal DPRD meeting related to the proposal for the appointment and ratification of the Deputy Regent as Regent.

"The DPRD has agreed to determine the proposal and it will be followed up with a letter proposing the appointment of Regent Tariq Modanggu to the Minister of Home Affairs through the Governor of Gorontalo through the mechanism of the applicable legislation," he said as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, April 6.

With the stipulation of Wabup Tariq Modanggu as Regent, the DPRD hopes that, said Deisy, all policies that will be issued by the regional government during Tariq's leadership can side with the interests of the people.

As well as continuing the ideals of the previous Regent, especially in efforts to reduce poverty.

"The people must benefit, especially in terms of improving welfare and local government services to remote areas," he said.

In line with that, the Deputy Chair of the North Gorontalo DPRD, Roni Imran said, the stages of proposing the dismissal of the Regent Indra Yasin due to death had been carried out. And it has been followed by the mechanism for determining the nomination of Deputy Regent to become Regent.

The DPRD hopes that the determination will be followed up by accelerating the issuance of a definitive Decree (SK).

"If possible, the inauguration of Regent Tariq will be carried out by Governor Rusli Habibie or as soon as this April," he said.

Given the many tasks that must be done by the Regent. In addition, after the regent is sworn in, it is hoped that a replacement deputy regent will be filled from time to time.

The DPRD considers that this area needs to be led by the Regent and Deputy Regent considering that the task of regional government is very large because the budget allocation through the APBD has reached almost Rp. 1 trillion. Therefore, it requires a duet of leadership from the Regent and Deputy Regent to realize the budget.

In essence, said Roni again, the acceleration of the inauguration of the Regent and the filling of the Vice Regent is for service and how programs to catch up can be realized.

This includes realizing the political promises of the Indra Yasin-Thariq Modanggu package for the government period which will end on December 6, 2023.

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