JAKARTA - It was revealed that the DKI Provincial Government owns a number of shares in PT Karya Citra Nusantara (KCN). Which, PT KCN is one of the companies that pollute coal dust in Marunda Flats, North Jakarta. KCN was proven guilty in this case and was given administrative sanctions by the DKI Provincial Government.

This was revealed by PT KCN's environmental management team, Erick in a meeting between his company and representatives of the Marunda residents mediated by the PDIP faction of the DKI DPRD.

"We see that this sanction is a form of guidance for us, KCN. Actually, if you look at who the shareholders of KCN are, there are actually 2, the private sector and the government," Erick said at the DKI DPRD Building, Wednesday, March 6.

Erick explained that KCN is a joint venture between a private company and PT KBN, which is a state-owned company. In KCN's parent company, the DKI Provincial Government has a 26.85 percent stake and the central government 73.15 percent.

Therefore, Erick claims that it is impossible for his party to fight the DKI Provincial Government as one of the shareholders of KCN. KCN, continued Erick, will obey the punishment imposed by the DKI Provincial Government for the air pollution.

However, Erick views that the coal dust pollution cannot be blamed on KCN itself. Because, there are eight port business entities that have loading and unloading activities there.

It seems impossible, we, as quoted from the provincial government's own grandson, are going against the provincial government. it seems impossible. The reason, what we are worried about, is that there is an attempt by our alleged company to collide KCN with related parties," he said.

For information, the DKI Environment Agency has given administrative sanctions for coal dust pollution in Marunda to PT KCN. However, it turned out that PT KCN did not want the company to be blamed alone for the air pollution. KCN also wants a thorough investigation.

Following this, the DKI Jakarta Environmental Service again imposed administrative sanctions under coercion by the government on two companies that carried out coal dust pollution in Marunda.

This proves that the perpetrators of air pollution due to loading and unloading activities in the port area are not only caused by one company, namely PT KCN, but also PT HSD and PT PBI.

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