BANGKA - A total of 201,472 people or 78.96 percent of the target 255,161 people in Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands have received the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine.

"As of today, there are 201,472 residents in Bangka Regency for all groups who have received the first dose of vaccine service," said Bangka Regency COVID-19 Task Force Spokesman Boy Yandra, quoted from Antara.

While the second dose of vaccine service in the same group and total targets, he said, was realized as many as 167,957 people or 65.82 percent. The vaccine achievement figures for both the first and second doses are spread across 62 villages or in eight sub-districts.

"For the realization of complementary vaccines or Booster services, 24,892 people or 9.76 percent were recorded," he said.

He said the number of vaccine realizations will certainly increase, although not so much considering that vaccination service outlets are opened every day to the sub-districts.

"I remind people in all age groups for mandatory vaccines who have not yet received vaccine services, they should immediately register at the nearest vaccine outlet," he said.

Boy Yandra said the government gave the opportunity to go home for Eid without having to go through an antigen or PCR test if you have received a complementary or booster vaccine.

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