PEKANBARU - The Pekanbaru Food and Drug Administration (BBPOM) conducted a rapid test of 41 samples of food and takjil at Pasar 50 and Pasar Jln WR Supratman Pekanbaru City, Riau to ensure the food is safe for local residents to consume. Head of BBPOM Pekanbaru Yosef Dwi Irwan said the food samples such processed products, such as wet noodles, meatballs, crackers, fish, tofu, shellfish, grass jelly, pink iced drink."(Quick test results, ed.) Meets food safety requirements and was not found to contain harmful ingredients formaldehyde, borax, rhodamine B , and methanyl yellow," he said in his statement in Pekanbaru, Wednesday, April 6. The activity was carried out by the Pekanbaru BBPOM together with the Pekanbaru City Health and Trade Industry Office. which contains hazardous materials during the sample test, he said, the public must still be wise in choosing a safe takjil It must be free from three contaminants, namely physical contaminants (such as hair, stone fragments, and staples, ed.), chemical contaminants (formalin, borax, rhodamine B, and methanyl yellow, ed.) and biological contaminants (bacteria, molds/fungus). due to the application of poor hygiene and sanitation, ed)," he said as quoted by Antara.

He said the public must also make sure when choosing takjil where the seller is clean, including wearing masks and not smoking. In addition, the selling environment is clean, takjil food is covered and protected from contamination by foreign objects, using gloves or tongs when picking up food. The officer also asked food sellers not to use newspapers as food mats, not to use black crackle bags for ready-to-eat processed food containers. Ramadan," he said.

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