MEDAN - Personnel from the Directorate of Drug Investigation at the North Sumatra Police thwarted the circulation of 99 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine and arrested four suspects in different locations.

"The disclosure of drug trafficking was carried out by Unit 2 Sub-Directorate I and Unit 2 Sub-Directorate II of the Narcotics Directorate of the North Sumatra Police," said Head of Public Relations of North Sumatra Police Kombes Hadi Wahyudi, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, April 5.

Hadi said that the first raid on Saturday (12/3) at around 04.30 WIB was carried out by officers on the Banda Aceh-Medan Cross Road, Besitang District, Langkat Regency and Langsa City.

The police arrested suspect RJ (30) a resident of Meunasah Panton Labu Village, Tanah Jambo Aceh District, North Aceh Regency and ZF (27) a resident of Cot Biek Village, Tanah Jambo Aye District, North Aceh Regency.

"Officers confiscated from the two suspects evidence of 20 packs of Chinese tea packaging containing 20 kg of methamphetamine and a black car with police number B 1659 KYC," he said.

The police found the drugs in the middle seat in 2 black backpacks. The disclosure started from public information regarding the delivery of narcotics to Medan using vehicles according to the characteristics that were informed.

"The plan is to bring the methamphetamine to Medan and be promised a salary of Rp. 150 million," he said.

In the second raid, two other suspects were arrested, namely MR (36) a resident of Tualang Baro Village, Manyak Payet District, Aceh Tamiang and DW (38) a resident of Bandar Baru Village, Bandahara District, Aceh Tamiang.

"From the two suspects confiscated evidence in the form of 79 packs of Chinese tea packaging containing 79 kg of methamphetamine, a Toyota Innova Reborn BK 1807 AAK, and a white Toyota Avanza BL 1067 F," said Kombes Hadi.

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