BEKASI - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Bekasi Regency, West Java, said that there were two flood locations due to heavy rains.

Member of the Control and Operations Center (Pusdalops) BPBD Bekasi Regency Andika Rahmat said the first location of the flood inundation was observed in the Jatimulya Village area, South Tambun District.

"The first location, based on information from volunteers from the Disaster Resilient Village (Katana), a 120-centimeter-high inundation in Jatimulya leads to the East Bekasi Toll Gate," Andika said as quoted by Antara, Tuesday. April 5th.

Meanwhile, the second location was observed at the Villa Mutiara Wanajaya Housing, Wanajaya Village, Cibitung District. The puddle that submerged the residential area was as high as 80 centimeters.

"The ones in the Villa Mutiara Wanajaya Housing are now gradually receding," he said.

At the same time, he said, heavy rain also occurred in Bekasi City. Several areas flowed by the Bekasi River were observed to have experienced flooding.

His party is coordinating with the Bekasi City BPBD regarding water level information so that residents in Bekasi Regency whose area is passed by the Bekasi River flow can evacuate.

"The information is that in Bekasi City, it is also raining heavily. The IKIP complex there has been flooded. That's why we continue to coordinate so that residents in North Tambun and Babelan can anticipate rising water levels," he said.

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