MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution has disabled the Head of the Medan City Regional Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency (BKDPSDM), Zain Noval.

In addition, Bobby Nasution reportedly also removed Zain Noval's wife, Ummi Wahyuni, who is the Head of the Division (Kabag) for Regional Inter-City Relations and Institutions (Hakda) for the City of Medan.

Bobby Nasution, when met, confirmed the news. According to him, the deactivation was effective as of Thursday, March 31.

"Thursday (the deactivation). It's still under investigation at the Inspectorate, not removed. Not definitively removed but for inspection, it's still deactivated," Bobby said, Tuesday, April 5.

From the information obtained, the deactivation was carried out because the two were involved in buying and selling positions. However, when asked about it, Bobby was reluctant to explain in detail, although he also did not deny it.

"Yes, if it is according to the duties and functions of the position, it is like that, there is no other possibility," he said.

Bobby also did not answer in detail the reason why his party removed the Head of the Medan City Intercity Relations and Institutions (Hakda) Section Head, Ummi Wahyuni.

"Ask the Inspectorate. What I have to say is that many times, in serving, in providing services, we require that there is no extortion, there is no transaction in it. The Medan City Government should also be able to apply this. , can be asked to the inspectorate," he said.

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